Sphiria was born as the definitive solution for my hair.
Since I was little, I had a difficult relationship with my hair. I always remember it being neck-length, which bothered me a lot.
I saw my childhood friends with beautiful, long hair and always wished my hair could be like theirs, free and flowing.
It was when I turned 13 that my mother finally allowed me to take care of my own hair. While I was thrilled to start fulfilling my dream of having long hair, I faced countless challenges I hadn’t anticipated.
Within days, I discovered that my hair was extremely oily, so I quickly switched to products specifically designed for my hair type.
That’s when a new challenge arose: although my roots were clean, with controlled oiliness and looking good, the rest of my hair (the ends and length) became completely dry and lifeless.
In an attempt to keep my hair as beautiful as possible, haircuts became frequent to remove dry ends, which significantly delayed my dream of having long, healthy hair like my childhood friends.
I had tried various washing techniques and several innovative products that promised to solve my hair issues, but there was never any significant progress.
Years went by, and I had to understand my situation and learn to live with the frustration, although I was always searching for the ideal product.
In 2023, everything changed. Alan, my husband and life partner, made a suggestion: why not create a product capable of solving the problem and maybe even help other women facing similar difficulties?
I accepted the challenge. After extensive research and numerous tests, we developed what I consider the ideal Pre-Shampoo: it protects

Sphiria was born as the definitive solution for my hair.
Since I was little, I had a difficult relationship with my hair. I always remember it being neck-length, which bothered me a lot.
I saw my childhood friends with beautiful, long hair and always wished my hair could be like theirs, free and flowing.
It was when I turned 13 that my mother finally allowed me to take care of my own hair. While I was thrilled to start fulfilling my dream of having long hair, I faced countless challenges I hadn’t anticipated.
Within days, I discovered that my hair was extremely oily, so I quickly switched to products specifically designed for my hair type.
That’s when a new challenge arose: although my roots were clean, with controlled oiliness and looking good, the rest of my hair (the ends and length) became completely dry and lifeless.
In an attempt to keep my hair as beautiful as possible, haircuts became frequent to remove dry ends, which significantly delayed my dream of having long, healthy hair like my childhood friends.
I had tried various washing techniques and several innovative products that promised to solve my hair issues, but there was never any significant progress.
Years went by, and I had to understand my situation and learn to live with the frustration, although I was always searching for the ideal product.
In 2023, everything changed. Alan, my husband and life partner, made a suggestion: why not create a product capable of solving the problem and maybe even help other women facing similar difficulties?
I accepted the challenge. After extensive research and numerous tests, we developed what I consider the ideal Pre-Shampoo: it protects